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The Georgia Hunger and Health Summit: Designing for Our Future

On October 28 - 29, 2024, the CDC Foundation and nine of Georgia’s leading health, food security and economic development organizations –with funding from the Georgia Health initiative -- convened The Georgia Hunger and Health Summit: Designing for Our Future, in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Cultivating Connections Webinar Series: Building Partnerships to Address Hunger, Nutrition & Health

Please join us for a monthly connection call with partners working to foster healthy, resilient communities across the US, on the third Wednesday of each month at 3:30 ET.

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Working to End Hunger and
Promote Healthy Communities

Creating a space for any organization—big and small—to make a difference by working together for a common cause to support ending hunger and improving health across the United States.

About Us
Image of a brightly colored array of fruits and vegetables from overhead.

1 in 4

Households have experienced food insecurity

19 Million

The number of Americans living in food deserts, meaning they have inadequate access to groceries

$77.5 Billion

The estimated extra spent annually on healthcare in America due to poor diet

Our Goals

Image of children outside with their arms raised

End Hunger in America

Creating a transformative impact on ending food insecurity and hunger through partnerships and research.

Closeup images of apples

Build Healthy Communities

Creating better access to affordable and healthy foods for all communities.

People exercising on yoga mats outside

Encourage Physical Activity

Creating safe spaces for everyone to be physically active.

Work in Action

Teens Show Leadership by Serving their Community

In Durham, North Carolina 56 percent of school-aged children qualify for free and reduced lunch during the school year. However, due to a gap in the system that provides those meals, as many as 15,000 children, adolescents and teens may be without access to regular meals during some or all of the summer. Enter echoReverb, the teen-led segment of the entrepreneurship support organization ECHO. ECHO, based in Durham, is a community-based organization aiming to create innovation and entrepreneurship. But why leave entrepreneurship just to adults? Through echoReverb teenagers have the opportunity to become entrepreneurs and use their inspiration to make their big ideas become a reality.

Map of the United States wtih various cities highlighted.

All Americans deserve access to affordable and nutritious foods. We need to understand and address the root causes of hunger and structural and systemic inequities. Achieving this goal will require collective action. We must come together as a nation to help our communities and neighbors and find solutions to put an end to hunger.
Judy Monroe, MD

President and CEO

CDC Foundation

Image of a smiling volunteer holding ears of corn in both hands

We Can All End Hunger

Achieving this goal will require collective action. Whether you are a government entity, business, foundation, academic institution, association or individual, you can play a role in this critical effort.

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