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Work in Action

Children may be the Key to Healthy Families

In the 1970s, it was children who spearheaded the movement to get their moms and dads to wear seat belts, a movement that has since become law in all 50 states and saved countless lives. Fifty years later, children remain powerful influencers within their families, however today children are spearheading a movement to become “Naturally Well.”  

Naturally Well is a children’s nutrition education program for third through fifth graders at the Institute of Natural Medicine (INM). The program teaches children about nutrition, healthy eating, and diet strategies that will allow children to change the trajectory of their health, according to Michelle Simon, president and CEO of INM.  

The 10-week program includes learning about nutrition, diet, and cooking, but also the mind-body-spirit connection to good health, identifying potential health issues, exercise and involving your family in healthy choices.  At such a young age, some may think it would be difficult to keep 8-and-9-year-olds engaged in an hour-long class about nutrition. However, Naturally Well utilizes different strategies, such as video content, hands on experience, and an educational app to keep the young learners hooked.

Naturally Well also partners with organizations around the country, including YMCA and the Boys and Girls Club, to teach lifelong health among children and their families in at-risk communities. Simon said Naturally Well aims to find a “mutual interest match,” reaching out to local organizations that would allow Naturally Well to apply their content in a way that is culturally relevant to the local community.  

Simon said the overarching goal of Naturally Well is to offer proper health education to children that allows them to understand the importance of food and nutrition, as well as physical activity. “Although young,” Simon said, “these students are at the unique age of starting to grow into themselves and can become ambassadors for encouraging Naturally Well living to their peer groups and families.”

More Work in Action

Vertical Harvest Partners with the Food Bank of Wyoming

Vertical Harvest, an indoor vertical farming company that grows and distributes healthier foods to communities, is now partnering with the Food Bank of Wyoming to deliver fresh foods to organizations fighting food insecurity. The partnership has led to almost 225 pounds of fresh greens being delivered to Lander Share and Care Food Banks since these two organizations launched a pilot donation program. Through the pilot, greens arrive twice a month and are fresh within a day of harvest. They also come with recipe and educational materials from the Cent$ible Nutrition Program, Wyoming’s SNAP-Ed and TEFAP Programs.

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The Georgia Hunger and Health Summit: Designing for Our Future

On October 28 - 29, 2024, the CDC Foundation and nine of Georgia’s leading health, food security and economic development organizations –with funding from the Georgia Health initiative -- convened The Georgia Hunger and Health Summit: Designing for Our Future, in Atlanta, Georgia. The summit convened top experts and key stakeholders to foster collaboration, forge new partnerships and spark innovative solutions to hunger-related challenges, marking a significant milestone in the enduring efforts to address food and nutrition insecurity through the Hunger, Nutrition and Health Action Collaborative. Designed in partnership with Leslie Marshburn, Grady Health System | Melissa Haberlen DeWolf, Voices for Georgia’s Children | Matt Pieper, Open Hand Atlanta | Will Sellers, Wholesome Wave Georgia | Bill Green, The Common Market | Wande Okonoren-Meadows, Hand,Heart, + Soul Project | Sarah Phillips, Georgia Health Initiative | Jeff Collins-Smythe, ARCHI | and Kyle Waide, Atlanta Community Food Bank.

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